
→‎[core]:​ 粗略处理
== .ini[core] ==
=== [core] ===
{{RW代码|name:|string|"Defines the unit raw name, game uses it to identify as a unique name. (This is not displayed in-game)"|name: customTank1}}
{{RW代码|mass:|int|"The 'weight' of the unit, defines how it collides with other units, a greater value means it's tougher to push."|mass: 3000}}
{{RW代码|radius:|int|Circular area around the unit that makes it selectable. (mouse click/screen touch)|radius: 20}}
{{RW代码|price:|int / price|The unit cost from builders/buildings. Defaults to credits if no resource type is used|"price: 500, gold=5, stone=10"}}
{{RW代码|class:|string|"Reserved for future use, must be CustomUnitMetadata by default."|class: CustomUnitMetadata}}
{{RW代码|maxHp:|int|The max health for the unit. (will spawn with this value).|maxHp: 200}}
{{RW代码|techLevel:|int|"Defines the Tech Level of the unit, there're 3 levels and each will appear in a different color in the GUI."|techLevel: 1}}
{{RW代码|buildSpeed:|float / s|Time it takes to build the unit. (may multiply with builder speed)|buildSpeed: 3s}}
{{RW代码|altNames:|string(s)|"Comma separated list of names. Like name but lower priority, useful for multiple optional mods."|"altNames: custTank1, customTank1, cTank1"}}
{{RW代码|strictLevel:|float|"Defaults to 0. 1 = Errors if keys are duplicated. Add to ""all-units.template"" in root to apply to all units."|strictLevel: 1}}
{{RW代码|isBio:|bool|"Choose whether the unit is bioligical or not, affects sound and splat (unless hideScorchMark:true)"|isBio: true}}
{{RW代码|isBug:|bool|"Changes some death defaults, and sort order in Sandbox."|isBug: false}}
{{RW代码|isBuilder:|bool|Normally required if this unit places buildings. Defaults to [ai]useAsBuilder.|isBuilder: true}}
{{RW代码|streamingCost:|price|Like price but paid for overtime while this unit is being queued or built. Construction or queue is paused if resources run out while building.|streamingCost: gem=420}}
{{RW代码|switchPriceWithStreamingCost:|bool|"Shortcut to set streamingCost to price value and clear price, add to all-units.template to quickly switch a mod over to streaming resources."|switchPriceWithStreamingCost: true}}
{{RW代码|selfRegenRate:|float|Passive self repair rate.|selfRegenRate: 0.01}}
|int/resource = float
{{RW代码|maxShield:|int|The max shield hitpoints of the unit. Can start with 0 hitpoints if startShieldAtZero:true.|maxShield: 500}}
{{RW代码|startShieldAtZero:|bool|Unit starts with a 0 hitpoints shield on created if true.|startShieldAtZero: true}}
{{RW代码|shieldRegen:|float|Passive shield regen rate.|shieldRegen: 0.15}}
{{RW代码|energyMax:|float|"Defaults to 0. Energy that can be used as ammo for turrets, laser defense and actions."|energyMax: 1}}
{{RW代码|energyRegen:|float|Passive energy regen rate.|energyRegen: 0.001}}
{{RW代码|energyStartingPercentage:|float|Sets the percentage of charged energy when the unit is first built.|energyStartingPercentage: 0.5}}
{{RW代码|energyNeedsToRechargeToFull:|float|Disables weapons using energy after reaching zero till fully recharged if true.|energyNeedsToRechargeToFull: true}}
{{RW代码|energyRegenWhenRecharging:|float|Regen rate while recharging.|}}
{{RW代码|armour:|int|Damage taken away from each hit. (not currently used in any vanilla units)|armour: 6}}
{{RW代码|armourMinDamageToKeep:|int|Min damage to keep from received damage. Defaults to 1.|armourMinDamageToKeep: 2}}
{{RW代码|borrowResourcesWhileAlive:|price|Takes these resources when created and returns them when removed or destroyed.|borrowResourcesWhileAlive: gold=10}}
{{RW代码|borrowResourcesWhileBuilt:|price|"Like borrowResourcesWhileAlive but doesn't take affect till built. Mostly useful for buildings like houses that have negative resources to add to the unit cap, etc."|borrowResourcesWhileBuilt: supplyCap = -10}}
{{RW代码|generation_resources:|price|Income unit creates. (custom resource version)|"generation_resources: credits=5, gold=20"}}
{{RW代码|generation_active:|logicBoolean|Disables generation_resources/credits when false. (logic_boolean)|generation_active: if not self.hp(lessThan=100)}}
{{RW代码|generation_credits:|int|Income unit creates. (credits only)|generation_credits: 2}}
|float/float + "s"
{{RW代码|generation_delay:|int|How often generation_resources/credits is added. Defaults to 40. (changing not recommended)|generation_delay: 40}}
{{RW代码|showInEditor:|bool|Set to false to hide unit in Sandbox editor. (Defaults to true)|showInEditor: false}}
{{RW代码|displayText:|LocaleString|The unit name that the game shows to the player.|displayText: Custom Tank}}
{{RW代码|displayText_{LANG}:|string|LANG = ISO 639-1 Code to show this text instead when game is in this language.|displayText_es: Tanque Personalizado}}
{{RW代码|displayDescription:|LocaleString|Unit description that the game shows to the player.|displayDescription: -Fast movement\n-Light damage}}
{{RW代码|displayDescription_{LANG}:|string|LANG = ISO 639-1 Code to show this text instead when game is in this language.|displayDescription_es: -Movimiento rápido\n-Daño ligero}}
{{RW代码|displayLocaleKey:|string|Translation file key for unit name and description.|displayLocaleKey: units.mechArtillery}}
{{RW代码|displayRadius:|int|Defaults to radius value. Set to show a larger or smaller selection circle UI on units.|displayRadius: 20}}
{{RW代码|uiTargetRadius|int|Defaults to displayRadius value. Radius used when attacking/reclaiming/etc this unit|uiTargetRadius: 10}}
{{RW代码|shieldRenderRadius:|int|Defaults is a little bigger than radius. Set to show a larger or smaller shield circle on units.|shieldRenderRadius: 12}}
{{RW代码|shieldDisplayOnlyDeflection:|bool|Hide shield unless deflecting shot if true.|shieldDisplayOnlyDeflection: true}}
{{RW代码|shieldDeflectionDisplayRate:|float|Defaults to 4. High value causes shield deflection to fade disappear faster.|shieldDeflectionDisplayRate: 3}}
{{RW代码|showOnMinimap:|bool|Defaults to true. Hide units on minimap if false.|showOnMinimap: false}}
{{RW代码|showActionsWithMixedSelectionIfOtherUnitsHaveTag:|bool|Shows a merged action list if all units selected includes one of these tags. Useful for converted units.|showActionsWithMixedSelectionIfOtherUnitsHaveTag: true}}
{{RW代码|showOnMinimapToEnemies|bool|Useful for stealth units|showOnMinimapToEnemies: false}}
{{RW代码|isBuilding:|bool|Defines if the unit is a building.|isBuilding: true}}
{{RW代码|footprint:|ints|"Left, up, right, down. Tiles taken up which block unit movement. Defaults to 0,0,0,0 = 1 center tile."|"footprint: 0,0,1,1"}}
{{RW代码|constructionFootprint:|ints|"Tiles taken up for placement of other buildings. Defaults to 0,0,0,0 = 1 center tile."|"constructionFootprint: -1,-1,1,3"}}
{{RW代码|displayFootprint:|ints|"Left, up, right, down. Only applies to buildings, just used for GUI. Defaults to footprint."|"displayFootprint: 0,0,1,1"}}
{{RW代码|buildingSelectionOffset:|int|Defaults to 0. Adds or removes padding on the drawn selection rect in UI.|buildingSelectionOffset: 4}}
{{RW代码|buildingToFootprintOffsetX:|float|Defaults to 10. Change the building position in the footprint on the X-axis.|buildingToFootprintOffsetX: 4}}
{{RW代码|buildingToFootprintOffsetY:|float|Defaults to 10. Change the building position in the footprint on the Y-axis.|buildingToFootprintOffsetY: 6}}
{{RW代码|placeOnlyOnResPool:|bool|"Normally used for extractors, forces building construction in a resource pool. "|placeOnlyOnResPool: true}}
{{RW代码|selfBuildRate:|float|Rate unit builds itself when placed without a builder.|selfBuildRate: 0.0008}}
{{RW代码|ignoreInUnitCapCalculation||defaults to true for buildings otherwise false. Set to true to not count this unit in unit cap.|ignoreInUnitCapCalculation: true}}
{{RW代码|copyFrom:|file(s) (ini)|"Uses unit data from another ini file as default for this unit, supports multiple files."|"copyFrom: ROOT:defaultTanks.template, tankT1.ini"}}
{{RW代码|dont_load:|bool|"Do not load unit, and don't error on missing data. Can be useful when used with copyFrom."|dont_load: true}}
{{RW代码|overrideAndReplace:|string(s)|Overrides another unit with this unit. Build links and map positions to target unit will be replaced.|"overrideAndReplace: builder, combatEngineer"}}
{{RW代码|onNewMapSpawn:|string|"Values: emptyResourcePools_asNeutral, emptyOrOccupiedResourcePools_asNeutral, mapCenter_asNeutral, mapCenter_eachActiveTeam, spawnPoint_eachActiveTeam",onNewMapSpawn: spawnPoint_eachActiveTeam}}
{{RW代码|globalScale:|float|Defaults to 1. Changing not recommended.|globalScale: 2}}
{{RW代码|isLocked:|bool|Disallow building of this unit. Can be used with overrideAndReplace to restrict units player can build.|isLocked: true}}
{{RW代码|isLockedIfGameModeNoNuke:|bool|Disallows building of this unit if nukes are disabled during match setup.|isLockedIfGameModeNoNuke: true}}
{{RW代码|experimental:|bool|Tag unit as experimental. Affects zoomed out icon and end game stats.|experimental: true}}
{{RW代码|stayNeutral:|bool|Set to false to disable capture when unit is on the neutral team.|stayNeutral: false}}
{{RW代码|createNeutral:|bool|Set to true to always spawn the unit on the neutral team.|createNeutral: true}}
{{RW代码|createOnAggressiveTeam:|bool|Set to true to always spawn the unit on aggressive teams on single player matches.|createOnAggressiveTeam: true}}
{{RW代码|tags:|string(s)|"List of comma separated strings. Used to classify units, create special actions and balances."|"tags: tank, smallTank, piercingDamage"}}
{{RW代码|defineUnitMemory||"Can define several variables for custom storage, unique for each unit. Allowed types: boolean, float/number, unit, string."|"defineUnitMemory: boolean nukeActive, boolean laserReady, float experience, unit nextTarget, unit homeBase, string customText}}
{{RW代码|||Add a pair of square brackets to turn them into arrays for those specific data types|"defineUnitMemory: unit[] squad, float[] mango"}}
{{RW代码|fogOfWarSightRange:|int|Sets number of tiles this unit can see through the fog of war. Defaults to 15.|fogOfWarSightRange: 35}}
|int/resource = float
{{RW代码|fogOfWarSightRangeWhileNotBuilt|int|Fog of War range when unit/building is incomplete. Defaults to fogOfWarSightRange|fogOfWarSightRangeWhileNotBuilt: 10}}
{{RW代码|softCollisionOnAll:|int|Creates a soft collision effect when touching other units.|softCollisionOnAll: 3}}
{{RW代码|disableAllUnitCollisions:|bool|Unit cannot collide with others if true.|disableAllUnitCollisions: true}}
{{RW代码|isUnrepairableUnit:|bool|No unit can repair this unit if true.|isUnrepairableUnit: true}}
{{RW代码|isUnselectable:|bool|If true unit cannot be selected. (includes AI players)|isUnselectable: true}}
{{RW代码|isUnselectableAsTarget|bool|"Defaults to isUnselectable. Can be used to create units that cannot be selected but can be targeted for attack, reclaim, etc"|isUnselectableAsTarget: false}}
{{RW代码|isPickableStartingUnit:|bool|"If true, unit is added to dropdowns for starting unit in game setup menus."|isPickableStartingUnit: true}}
{{RW代码|startFallingWhenStartingUnit:|bool|Unit will appear falling from skies when starting unit if true.|startFallingWhenStartingUnit: true}}
{{RW代码|soundOnAttackOrder:|sound(s)|List of sound names. Only one will be played on each attack order. Only .ogg and .wav formats.|"soundOnAttackOrder: tankAttackOrder1.ogg, tankAttackOrder2.ogg "}}
{{RW代码|soundOnMoveOrder:|sound(s)|List of sound names. Only one will be played on each move order. Only .ogg and .wav formats.|"soundOnMoveOrder: tankMoveOrder1.ogg, tankMoveOrder2.ogg"}}
{{RW代码|soundOnNewSelection:|sound(s)|List of sound names. Only one will be played on each unit selection. Only .ogg and .wav formats.|"soundOnNewSelection: tankSelection1.ogg, tankSelection2.ogg"}}
{{RW代码|canNotBeDirectlyAttacked:|bool|No unit can directly target this unit. If true this will also skip this unit in victory/defeat checks.|canNotBeDirectlyAttacked: true}}
{{RW代码|canNotBeDamaged|bool|"Defaults to value of canNotBeDirectlyAttacked (be careful setting this without canNotBeDirectlyAttacked, as AI will attack forever)"|canNotBeDamaged: true}}
{{RW代码|canNotBeGivenOrdersByPlayer:|bool|If true unit will not take player or AI orders.|canNotBeGivenOrdersByPlayer: true}}
{{RW代码|canOnlyBeAttackedByUnitsWithTags:|strings(s)|"List of tag strings, only units with these tags can directly target this unit."|"canOnlyBeAttackedByUnitsWithTags: piercingTank, powerfulTank"}}
{{RW代码|disableDeathOnZeroHp|bool|"Setting to true allows unit to continue living even at 0 HP, useful for custom ""death"" action. Warning: If not used with an autoTrigger, etc units will attack this unit forever."|disableDeathOnZeroHp: true}}
{{RW代码|allowCaptureWhenNeutralByAI|bool|"When true, it lets to be captured on contact by AI as well. Defaults as false"|allowCaptureWhenNeutralByAI: true}}
{{RW代码|transportSlotsNeeded:|int|"Defaults to 1. Number of slots this unit uses up in a transport, experimentals are often set to 5."|transportSlotsNeeded: 2}}
{{RW代码|maxTransportingUnits|int|Number of slots this units has for transporting other units.|maxTransportingUnits: 5}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsRequireTag:|string(s)|Only allows trasport of units that have one of these tags.|"transportUnitsRequireTag: smallTank, soldier"}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsRequireMovementType:|movementTypes|Only allows trasport of units that have one of these movement types.|"transportUnitsRequireMovementType: AIR, WATER"}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsBlockAirAndWaterUnits:|bool|Defaults to true. This unit can only transport LAND units if true.|transportUnitsBlockAirAndWaterUnits: false}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsEachUnitAlwaysUsesSingleSlot:|bool|"Defaults to false. Units in this transport occupy 1 slot always if true, ignoring transportSlotsNeeded."|transportUnitsEachUnitAlwaysUsesSingleSlot: true}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsKeepBuiltUnits:|bool|Makes built units stay inside transport instead of exiting it once ready if true.|transportUnitsKeepBuiltUnits: true}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsCanUnloadUnits:|LogicBoolean|Defaults to: if not self.isOverLiquid() and not self.isMoving(). This unit cannot unload units if false.|transportUnitsCanUnloadUnits: false}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsAddUnloadOption:|bool|Defines if unload button should be added to the unit menu|transportUnitsAddUnloadOption: false}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsUnloadDelayBetweenEachUnit:|float|Changes the delay it takes between each unit getting unloaded.|transportUnitsUnloadDelayBetweenEachUnit: 12}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsKillOnDeath:|LogicBoolean|Defaults to true. If false transported units don't die when transport dies.|transportUnitsKillOnDeath: if self.isOverLiquid()}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsHealBy:|float|Rate to heal units that are being transported.|transportUnitsHealBy: 0.1}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsBlockOtherTransports:|bool|"Defaults to true, if false this transports can hold other transports."|transportUnitsBlockOtherTransports: false}}
{{RW代码|whileNeutralTransportAnyTeam:|bool|This unit can transport units of any team while neutral if true.|whileNeutralTransportAnyTeam: true}}
{{RW代码|whileNeutralConvertToTransportedTeam:|bool|Converts this unit to transported team while neutral. Useful with whileNeutralTransportAnyTeam.|whileNeutralConvertToTransportedTeam: true}}
{{RW代码|convertToNeutralIfNotTransporting:|bool|Reverts back this unit to neutral when unloaded. Useful with whileNeutralTransportAnyTeam.|convertToNeutralIfNotTransporting: true}}
{{RW代码|transportUnitsOnTeamChangeKeepCurrentTeam:|bool|Keeps transported units on their orginal team when this unit is converted if true.|transportUnitsOnTeamChangeKeepCurrentTeam: true}}
{{RW代码|resourceRate:|float|Used with canReclaimResources. Allows other teams to reclaim this unit. Normally used with neutral team. Use price to set what resources are gained.|resourceRate: 100}}
{{RW代码|similarResourcesHaveTag:|string(s)|When this has been reclaimed harvester unit moves on to another resource with these tags.|similarResourcesHaveTag: goldResource}}
{{RW代码|resourceMaxConcurrentReclaimingThis:|int|Defaults to unlimited. Set to restict how many units can reclaim this resource at the same time. |resourceMaxConcurrentReclaimingThis: 3}}
{{RW代码|reclaimPrice:|int|Like price but for resources. Useful for buildable resources.|reclaimPrice: gold=1000}}
{{RW代码|canReclaimResources:|bool|"If true this unit can gather resources, useful with resourceRate."|canReclaimResources: true}}
{{RW代码|canReclaimResourcesNextSearchRange:|int|Defines the resource search range of this unit when its main gathered resource runs out.|canReclaimResourcesNextSearchRange: 100}}
{{RW代码|canReclaimResourcesOnlyWithTags:|string(s)|This unit is only allowed to gather resources with these tags.|"canReclaimResourcesOnlyWithTags: foodResource, goldResource"}}
{{RW代码|canReclaimUnitsOnlyWithTags|string(s)|"This is for reclaiming units, not for resources. See canReclaimResourcesOnlyWithTags"|canReclaimUnitsOnlyWithTags: reclaimable}}
{{RW代码|resourceReclaimMultiplier|float|"Multiplies the builder's reclaim speed. Different from the related key ""nanoUnbuildSpeed"""|resourceReclaimMultiplier: 1.5}}
{{RW代码|canRepairUnitsOnlyWithTags|string(s)|Repairs units with the specified tags|canRepairUnitsOnlyWithTags: vulnerable}}
{{RW代码|canRepairBuildings:|bool|Can this can heal ally buildings (isBuilder:true is required)|canRepairBuildings: true}}
{{RW代码|canRepairUnits:|bool|"Can this can heal ally units. (isBuilder:true is required), canRepairBuildings required for buildings."|canRepairUnits: true}}
{{RW代码|autoRepair:|bool|Automatically try and repair damaged units in nano range. (isBuilder:true is required)|autoRepair: true}}
{{RW代码|nanoRange:|int|Defaults to 85. Defines the unit building/repair/reclaim range.|nanoRange: 110}}
{{RW代码|nanoRepairSpeed:|float|Defaults to 0.2. Defines the unit nano repair/reclaim speed.|nanoRepairSpeed: 0.01}}
{{RW代码|nanoBuildSpeed:|float|Defaults to 1. Defines the unit nano building speed. (May multiply with target's buildSpeed)|nanoBuildSpeed: 0.9}}
{{RW代码|nanoUnbuildSpeed:|float|How fast a builder reclaims an incomplete building (defaults to 1)|nanoUnbuildSpeed: 1.4}}
{{RW代码|nanoReclaimSpeed:|float|How fast a builder reclaims a normal unit (not a resource unit)|nanoReclaimSpeed: 0.23}}
{{RW代码|nanoRangeForRepairIsMelee:|bool|Defines if this unit must touch its target to repair it.|nanoRangeForRepairIsMelee: true}}
{{RW代码|nanoRangeForReclaimIsMelee:|bool|Defines if this unit must touch its target to reclaim it.|nanoRangeForReclaimIsMelee: true}}
{{RW代码|nanoRangeForRepair:|int|Defines a specific range for the repair action of this unit.|nanoRangeForRepair: 60}}
{{RW代码|nanoRangeForReclaim:|int|Defines a specific range for the reclaim action of this unit.|nanoRangeForReclaim: 60}}
{{RW代码|nanoFactorySpeed:|float|Defaults to 1. Multiplies the buildSpeed value of the created unit if this unit is a factory.|nanoFactorySpeed: 1.2}}
{{RW代码|extraBuildRangeWhenBuildingThis:|int|Temporarily adds extra build range to builders to build this unit. Useful for water based buildings.|extraBuildRangeWhenBuildingThis: 90}}
{{RW代码|builtFrom_{NUM}_name:|string(s)|Useful if adding this unit to build to existing buildings. Like canBuild but in opposite direction.|"builtFrom_1_name: landFactory, airFactory"}}
{{RW代码|builtFrom_{NUM}_pos:|float|Order this build link appears in UI. Using canBuild instead is more recommended.|builtFrom_1_pos: 0.1}}
|int/resource = float
{{RW代码|builtFrom_{NUM}_forceNano:|bool|Build as if this is a building if true. (even if it's a unit)|builtFrom_1_forceNano: true}}
{{RW代码|builtFrom_{NUM}_isLocked:|LogicBoolean|If true this unit cannot be built in this build link. (can be conditioned if logicBooleans are used)|builtFrom_1_isLocked: if self.hp(lessThan=100)}}
{{RW代码|builtFrom_{NUM}_isLockedMessage:|LocaleString|Message shown when this build link is locked.|builtFrom_1_isLockedMessage: -Needs more population}}
{{RW代码|exit_x:|float|Where created or unloaded units appears from the transport or building. Defaults to 0.|exit_x: 0}}
{{RW代码|exit_y:|float|Where created or unloaded units appears from the transport or building. Defaults to 5.|exit_x: 5}}
|int/resource = float
{{RW代码|exit_dirOffset:|float|Defaults to 180 for units and 0 for buildings. Defines the exit direction of created or unloaded units.|exit_dirOffset: 140}}
{{RW代码|exit_heightOffset:|float|Defaults to 0. Defines the height where created or unloaded units appears.|exit_heightOffset: 16}}
{{RW代码|exit_moveAwayAmount:|float|Defaults to 70. Defines the distance that created or unloaded units moves from this unit.|exit_moveAwayAmount: 10}}
{{RW代码|exitHeightIgnoreParent|bool|Ignores parent height for exit height; useful for separating attachments with their parents for building|exitHeightIgnoreParent: true}}
{{RW代码|dieOnConstruct:|bool|Deletes this unit when it starts to build if true. (target building/unit likely will need selfBuildRate set)|dieOnConstruct: true}}
|resource = float
{{RW代码|dieOnZeroEnergy:|bool|Kills this unit if energy level reaches zero when true.|dieOnZeroEnergy: true}}
{{RW代码|numBitsOnDeath:|int|Defines the number of scattered bit fragments when this unit dies.|numBitsOnDeath: 20}}
{{RW代码|nukeOnDeath:|bool|Unit will spawn a nuke detonation built-in effect when dies if true.|nukeOnDeath: true}}
{{RW代码|nukeOnDeathRange:|float|Defines the nuke effect range when using nukeOnDeath.|nukeOnDeathRange: 140}}
{{RW代码|nukeOnDeathDamage:|float|Defines the nuke effect area damage when using nukeOnDeath.|nukeOnDeathDamage: 2000}}
{{RW代码|nukeOnDeathDisableWhenNoNuke:|bool|Defaults to false. If true this unit will not explode with nuke when nukes are disabled in skirmish maps.|nukeOnDeathDisableWhenNoNuke: true}}
{{RW代码|fireTurretXAtSelfOnDeath:|turret ref|Auto-shoot a specific turret when this unit dies.|fireTurretXAtSelfOnDeath: turret_1}}
{{RW代码|explodeOnDeath:|bool|Defaults to true. Disables the unit death explode built-in effect if false.|explodeOnDeath: false}}
{{RW代码|explodeOnDeathGroundCollision:|boolean|Defaults to true. Disables the explode built-in effect on death when unit touches ground if false.|explodeOnDeathGroundCollision: false}}
{{RW代码|explodeTypeOnDeath:|preset effects|"options: verysmall, small, normal, large, largeUnit, building, buildingNoShockwaveOrSmoke, verylargeBuilding"|}}
{{RW代码|effectOnDeath:|effect(s) ref|Spawns built-in or custom effects when unit dies.|"effectOnDeath: shockwave, CUSTOM:pieces*3, CUSTOM:deathSound"}}
{{RW代码|effectOnDeathGroundCollision:|effect(s) ref|Like effectOnDeath but when unit touches ground. Useful for flying units.|effectOnDeathGroundCollision: CUSTOM:bigExplosion}}
{{RW代码|unitsSpawnedOnDeath:|string(s)|Spawns these units when dies. Comma separated unit identifiers.|"unitsSpawnedOnDeath: tank*5, hoverTank"}}
{{RW代码|unitsSpawnedOnDeath_setToTeamOfLastAttacker:|bool|Units spawned on death will appear on the last attacker team if true.|unitsSpawnedOnDeath_setToTeamOfLastAttacker: true}}
{{RW代码|hideScorchMark:|bool|Disables the death scorch mark leaved when unit dies if true.|hideScorchMark: true}}
{{RW代码|soundOnDeath:|string(s)|Sets a custom sound for this unit death.|"soundOnDeath: tankExplosion1.ogg, tankExplosion2.ogg"}}
{{RW代码|effectOnDeathIfUnbuilt: |effect(s) ref|"If the unit was not completed, and is destroyed, play this effect. Defaults to effectOnDeath"|effectOnDeathIfUnbuilt: CUSTOM:implode}}
{{RW代码|autoTriggerCooldownTime:|time (seconds)|Post automatic action cooldown (Not detection cooldown). Defaults to 1s. Warning: Setting this too low for many units might effect performance depending on the action effects.|autoTriggerCooldownTime: 0.05s}}
{{RW代码|autoTriggerCooldownTime_allowDangerousHighCPU:|bool|Allows for auto action cooldown lower than 0.2s. Default to false. Not recommended.|autoTriggerCooldownTime_allowDangerousHighCPU: true}}
{{RW代码|autoTriggerCheckRate:|enum|"options: everyFrame (default), every4Frames, every8Frames. Note: all triggers regardless of check rate are checked when first created and after an auto trigger cooldown. Note: Adding [core]autoTriggerCheckRate:every8Frames to all-units.template could have a large performance boost for mods with complex autoTriggers."|autoTriggerCheckRate:every8Frames}}
{{RW代码|autoTriggerCheckWhileNotBuilt:|bool|Defaults to false. autoTrigger of unit actions check even when not completely built if true|autoTriggerCheckWhileNotBuilt: true}}
{{RW代码|updateUnitMemory:|memory|Faster memory update than [action_#] setUnitMemory. Useful on many applications.|updateUnitMemory: timeCount += 1}}
{{RW代码|updateUnitMemoryRate:|int|Sets how often the memory is updated. Defaults at 1s. settings it to 0 will update memory every frame.|updateUnitMemoryRate: 0}}
{{RW代码|@memory||"A template-friendly method of defineUnitMemory. Declare name followed by type, separated by a colon"|@memory fish:unit}}
{{RW代码||||@memory bullets:number}}
{{RW代码|||Add a pair of square brackets for array memory type|@memory myTargets:unit[]}}
|dataType variableName(s)
|int/resoure = float
|建造自( )单位
== [canBuild_NAME] ==
== [graphics] ==
== [attack] ==
== [turret_NAME] ==
== [projectile_NAME] ==
== [movement] ==
== [ai] ==
== [arm_#]/[leg_#] ==
== [attachment_NAME] ==
== [action_NAME]/[hiddenAction_NAME] ==
== [effect_NAME] ==
== [animation_NAME] ==
== [placementRule_NAME] ==
== [resource_NAME] ==
== [global_resource_NAME] ==
== [decal_name] ==
== [template_NAME] ==
== [comment_NAME] ==
== 附录 ==
=== 值的类型 ===
=== ${}的用法 ===
=== """的用法 ===
=== 模板用法 ===
