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{{折叠|Mod特性|2=*新增: [graphics]isVisibleToEnemies and [graphics]showOnMinimapToEnemies - allows creation of stealth systems when used with canOnlyBeAttackedByUnitsWithTags, and converting to revealed versions
*新增: [ai]lowPriorityTargetForOtherUnits and [ai]notPassivelyTargetedByOtherUnits - Allows better wall buildings that units don’t target by default.
*[action]addActionCooldownFor, [action]addAllActionCooldownsFor and [action]clearAllActionCooldowns - Player cannot use action again till timeout expires
*[animation]effect_Xs: {x,y,name} - Spawn effects while playing an animation
*新增: [action]convertTo_keepCurrentTags
*新增: [core]disableDeathOnZeroHp
*新增: [action]takeResources_directTransferStoppingAtZero
*Per unit leg limit is now 20
*新增 %{self.playerName}, %{self.teamName}, %{self.resource.X} to showMessageToAllPlayers, etc actions to create dynamic messages
*新增: [turret]aimOffsetSpread
*新增: [action]addWaypoint_position_relativeOffsetFromSelf
*新增: [action]whenBuilding_rotateTo_aimAtActionTarget and [action]whenBuilding_rotateTo_rotateTurretX (BETA NOTE: is broken in some cases)
*新增: [attachment]showAllActionsFrom (logic boolean) - shows actions from the attachment when parent is selected, when clicked actions will be applied to the attachment as if they were selected. Can be used to create inventory systems, or control subsystems of a unit, etc.
*[action]isAlsoViewableByEnemies and [action]isAlsoViewableByAllies - Allows other players to see actions from this unit, useful for showing stats to other players (eg missile count, items collected)
*transportedUnitsToTransfer=X option 新增 to unitSpawn fields - Moves units from the source unit into the newly created unit. Can be used to create parachutes from planes, teleport effects, etc
*新增: [movement]heightChangeRate
*新增: [movement]fallingAcceleration, [movement]fallingAccelerationDead
*New logic function: self.height()
*新增: [effect]alsoEmitEffectsOnDeath
*新增: [effect]lifeRandom
*spawnPoint_eachActiveTeam option 新增 to [core]onNewMapSpawn
*新增: [action]addWaypoint_triggerActionIfMatched
*新增: [action]showMessageToAllEnemyPlayers (need test)
*新增 support for ranges in flag ids (eg: unsetFlag=1-5)
*Note unit flags are now unset before new flags are set
*unitRef feature with functions: self, self.parent(), self.transporting(slot=x), self.attachment(slot=X) - eg: [action]textAddUnitName: unitRef self.attachment(slot="1")
*新增: [action]textAddUnitName: unitType or unitRef
*新增: [action]descriptionAddFromUnit: unitType or unitRef
*新增: [action]descriptionAddUnitStats: unitType or unitRef
*更变: [action]unitShownInUI: now also supports as unitRef
*新增: [action]unitShownInUIWithHpBar - (boolean) default true, Only used when unitShownInUI is a unitRef
*新增: [action]unitShownInUIWithProgressBar - (boolean) default true, Only used when unitShownInUI is a unitRef. Replaces HP bar if active
*新增: [action]attachments_unload
*新增: [action]forceUnloadTransportNow_onlyOnSlot
*新增: [resource]displayRoundedDown
*新增: [projectile]wobbleAmplitude
*新增: [projectile]wobbleFrequency
*新增: [projectile]turnSpeed
*新增: [projectile]spawnProjectilesOnEndOfLife (projectile types) - eg: spawnProjectilesOnEndOfLife: torpedo_split(offsetDir=90), torpedo_split(offsetDir=-90)
*新增: [projectile]spawnProjectilesOnExplode (projectile types)
*新增: [projectile]spawnProjectilesOnCreate (projectile types)
*spawnProjectile options: spawnChance, maxSpawnLimit, recursionLimit, offsetX, offsetY, offsetRandomXY, offsetRandomX, offsetRandomY, offsetHeight, offsetRandomDir, offsetDir
*新增: [turret]canAttackMaxAngle
*transportUnloadedOrRemovedUnit 新增 to [action]autoTriggerOnEvent
*更变: [projectile]pushForce / pushVelocity now working on all units
*新增: [turret]barrelOffsetX_onOddShots
*新增: [core]canReclaimUnitsOnlyWithTags
*新增: [core]canRepairUnitsOnlyWithTags
*新增: [placementRule_X] section - allows creation of
*[placementRule]anyRuleInGroup:X (Only require 1 of the rules in this group pass, instead of all. Use the same group name on other placement rules to create a group.)
**[placementRule]searchTeam:[TeamRelation] defaults to own
**[placementRule]searchOffsetX: defaults to 0
**[placementRule]searchOffsetY: defaults to 0
**[placementRule]excludeIncompleteBuildings: [true/false]
**[placementRule]excludeNonBuildings: [true/false]
**[placementRule]blocksPlacement: [true/false]
**[placementRule]cannotPlaceMessage: Message shown to player if this rule fails (will be first failing rule in mergedRuleGroup)
**[placementRule]checkEachTile: [true/false] defaults to true (set to false to only test unit center)
*新增: [projectile]mutatorX_addResourcesDirectHit
*新增: [projectile]mutatorX_addResourcesAreaHit
*新增: [core]exitHeightIgnoreParent
*新增: [core]ignoreInUnitCapCalculation (defaults to true for buildings)
*新增: [action]iconExtraImage
*新增: [action]iconExtraColor
*新增: [action]iconExtraIsVisible (logic boolean)
*新增: [core]explodeTypeOnDeath - (options: verysmall, small, normal, large, largeUnit, building, buildingNoShockwaveOrSmoke, verylargeBuilding)
*新增: [core]fogOfWarSightRangeWhileNotBuilt
*新增: [turret]idleSweepAngle
*新增: [turret]idleSweepDelay
*新增: [turret]idleSweepSpeed
*新增: [turret]idleSweepCondition
*新增: [turret]idleSweepAddRandomDelay
*新增: [turret]idleSweepAddRandomAngle
*新增 logic boolean self.numberOfUnitsInAllyNotOwnTeam
*新增: [attachment]keepWaypointsNeedingMovement
*新增: [core]effectOnDeathIfUnbuilt
*新增: [action]setBuilt (float 0-1)
*新增: [action]offsetSelfAbsolute: x,y,[height]
*新增: [action]alwaysSinglePress (default false) - No confirmation needed on mobile, use with canPlayerCancel: false and allowMultipleInQueue: false to also hide the queue interface.}}

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