
添加的内容 删除的内容
标签移动版编辑 移动版网页编辑 高级移动版编辑
标签移动版编辑 移动版网页编辑 高级移动版编辑
第835行: 第835行:
Read on another unit: %{ parent.readUnitMemory('numArray', type='float[]')[0] }
Read on another unit: %{ parent.readUnitMemory('numArray', type='float[]')[0] }
memory.unitArray.contains( self.attacking )
Alt read on another unit: %{ self.readUnitMemory('numArray', type='number', index=0) }
Alt read on another unit: %{ self.readUnitMemory('numArray', type='number', index=0) }
第841行: 第843行:
Arrays automatically resize but have a hard size limit of 10,000
Arrays automatically resize but have a hard size limit of 10,000
*移除数组内的空位shrinkArrays:arrayName - Will remove any null or dead units,and Os from number arrays. Will shift over allindexes after the deleted entries.
Reduce array size with [action]shrinkArrays:arrayName - Will remove any null or dead units,and Os from number arrays. Will shift over allindexes after the deleted entries.
Added [action]alsoTriggerActionRepeat - Dynamic number (Repeats the alsoTriggerAction call, index changed on each repeat) - Useful to create loops or work with arrays
Added [action]alsoTriggerActionRepeat - Dynamic number (Repeats the alsoTriggerAction call, index changed on each repeat) - Useful to create loops or work with arrays